Blog - Secure Compliance Solutions

US Small Business Administration Launches Cybersecurity Portal

Written by Admin | October 16, 2015

The US Small Business Administration recently launched its new cybersecurity guidance web site, dedicated to promoting smart cybersecurity business practices within the small business community.  Not coincidentally, launched its new cybersecurity portal during National Cyber Security Awareness Month.

According to, America’s 28 million small businesses account for 2/3 of America’s new job creation each year.  As vigilance to ensure that supply chain participants each bear their share of the responsibility for strong cybersecurity defense, SBA’s efforts to inform its constituents should be applauded.

Small businesses may be frequent targets for criminal activity, because, just like larger businesses, small business owners must retain the PII of their employees, payment information and may have implemented system interconnections with business partners and vendors, but they may not possess the resources to adequately defend against nefarious activity.

To date, the new cybersecurity site contains a small selection of briefs targeted toward small businesses.  We at Secure Compliance Solutions are looking forward to SBA’s increased involvement in the information security space, to help protect our nation’s small businesses.

For more information, please visit the Cybersecurity Portal.

If you own a small business, and need guidance and support to improve your security defense posture, please contact Secure Compliance Solutions on our Contact page.